5 Unexpectedly Funny Parts About The Maze Runner

Don’t get me wrong; I love The Maze Runner. I have a penchant for dystopian films which don’t rely on romance, explosions, or beautiful sceneries as their selling point, but its solid plot and character development made the film captivating. In addition, the cast was also made up of many fresh faces that imbued the film with a invigorating twist. But amidst the bloodshed and the heart-thumping moments, there are so many unintended (or maybe it is) amusing portions. Spoilers ahead, proceed with caution:

 1. Temple Run Moment

I can’t be the only one who got reminded of the popular mobile app game Temple Run (or, Minion Rush) when Thomas and Minho started racing through the corridors. Especially so when Thomas had to leap off one roof to another, there was one of the most inappropriately funny instance when I had to stifle a snort under my breath. When the Evil Demon Monkeys  Grievers appeared, the similarity percentage practically hit the roof. 

2. The… Maize Runners

The most ironic scene arrived when Grievers were released to attack everyone in the glade – everyone sprinted their way straight into the maize fields. I am not thinking too much, am I? This is what maize fields look like, right? Come on, run, Maize Runners!

3. The Kristen Stewart Lookalike

I didn’t check the casting before I entered the theatres, but it’s hard to forget that blood-curling moment when Teresa (played by Kaya Scodelario) appeared… is that Kristen Stewart? Before I could rejoice that Teresa isn’t played by the vampire-girl, I realized they have more in common than just their overall vibes. 

4. Dejavu from The Truman Show

The exit sign seemed like a tribute to 1998 science fiction film with a similar theme – in fact, I consider it to be more similar to The Maze Runner than Divergent or The Hunger Games. For such a joyous occasion to celebrate their “release”, it felt quite anticlimatic, familiar and funny all at once. What am I supposed to feel?

5. “We’re all in this together”

This one probably takes the crown when it comes to the most cringe-worthy line in the scripts. Ever since High School Musical used this line as the lyrics of their cheerful theme song, it’s almost impossible to say this with a straight face without having Zac Efron and Vanessa Anne conjured up as a mental image. Newt had the honour to say this line – with his British accent, he almost got away with the cheesiness of it. Almost.

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